by dopechineseJuly 21, 2021September 1, 2022Leave a Comment on Learn Cantonese Daily Words-July.21 7.21 Words 第日(dai6 jat6) the other day; 我今日唔得闲(閒),我哋第日先去玩喇!ngo5 gam1 jat6 m4 dak1 haan4, ngo5 dei6 dai6 jat6 sin1 heoi3 waan2 laa3! I am not available today. Let’s go out the other day, 出面/出便(ceot1 min6/ ceot1 bin6) outside; 出面/出便落好大雨,你晏啲先返去喇!ceot1 min6/ ceot1 bin6 lok6 hou2 daai6 jyu5, nei5 aan3 di1 sin1 faan1 heoi3 laa3! It’s rainy outside. You return home later. 交关(關)(gaau1 gwaan1) seriously; 我只脚痛得好交关,你快啲车我去睇喇!我隻腳痛得好交關。你快啲車我去睇喇! ngo5 zek3 goek3 tung3 dak1 hou2 gaau1 gwaan1. nei5 faai3 di1 ce1 ngo5 heoi3 tai2 laa3! My leg is so painful. Please drive me to the hospital to see a doctor