
1早晨zou2 san4Good morning
2早唞zou2 tau2Good night
3咁啱嘅gam3 ngaam1 ge3What a coincidence! 
4近排点吖?gan6 paai2 dim2 aa1?How are you recently?
5最近点吖?zeoi3 gan6 dim2 aa1?How are you recently?
6都几好吖,你呢?dou1 gei2 hou2 aa1, nei5 ne1?Everything is good and you?
7走先啦zau2 sin1 laa1I am leaving.
8食咗饭未吖?sik6 zo2 faan6 mei6 aa1?Have you eaten?
9食咗喇!sik6 zo2 laa3!I ate.
10去边吖?heoi3 bin1 aa1?Where are you going?
11你做紧咩吖?nei5 zou6 gan2 me1 aa1?What are you doing?
12我睇紧书ngo5 tai2 gan2 syu1I am reading book.
13下次再倾吖haa6 ci3 zoi3 king1 aa1Let’s chat next time.
14唔好意思m4 hou2 ji3 si3Sorry/Excuse me
15对唔住deoi3 m4 zyu6Sorry
16唔该m4 goi1Excuse me/ Thank you (for helping)
17多谢do1 ze6Thank you (for your gift)
Dope Chinese with Gloria

Personal Information

1你叫咩名吖?nei5 giu3 me1 meng2 aa1?What’s your name?
2我叫….ngo5 giu3….My name is….
3你係边度人?nei5 hai6 bin1 dou6 jan4?Where are you from?
4我係英国人ngo5 hai6 jing1 gwok3 jan4I am British.
5我係美国人ngo5 hai6 mei5 gwok3 jan4I am American
6我係日本人ngo5 hai6 jat6 bun2 jan4I am Japanese.
7我係法国人ngo5 hai6 faat3 gwok3 jan4I am French.
8你识唔识讲英文?nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 gong2 jing1 man2?Do you speak English?
9你识唔识讲普通话?nei5 sik1 m4 sik1 gong2 pou2 tung1 waa2?Do you speak Mandarin?
10我识少少广东话。ngo5 sik1 siu2 siu2 gwong2 dung1 waa2.I know a little bit Cantonese.
11你住喺边度?nei5 zyu6 hai2 bin1 dou6?Where do you live?
12我住喺酒店。ngo5 zyu6 hai2 zau2 dim3.I live in a hotel.
13你做咩㗎?nei5 zou6 me1 gaa3?What do you do for a living?
14我系工程师。ngo5 hai6 gung1 cing4 si1.I am a engineer.
15我做金融㗎ngo5 zou6 gam1 jung4 gaa3I work in finance.


1饮茶jam2 caa4Yum Cha
2点心dim2 sam1Dim Sum
3食饭sik6 faan6have a meal
4你想食咩吖?nei5 soeng2 sik6 me1 aa1?What do you want to eat?
5三文治。saam1 man4 zi6.sandwich
6唔该,一份三文治。m4 goi1, jat1 fan6 saam1 man4 zi6.One sandwich, please.
7炒面caau2 min6chow mein/Fried noodles
8我想食炒面ngo5 soeng2 sik6 caau2 min6I want to eat chow mein.
9西多士sai1 do1 si6toast
10牛扒ngau4 paa2steak
11锯扒goe3 paa2eat steak
12我哋今晚锯扒囖ngo5 dei6 gam1 maan5 goe3 paa2 lo3Let’s eat steak tonight
13我好饱吖ngo5 hou2 baau2 aa1I am full
14我好肚饿吖ngo5 hou2 tou5 ngo6 aa1I am hungry.
15好好食吖hou2 hou2 sik6 aa1So delicious.
16好正吖hou2 zeng3 aa1so amazing
17好好味吖hou2 hou2 mei6 aa1it tastes good.
18唔该,埋单m4 goi1, maai4 daan1Check,please.


2唔该,呢个几钱吖?m4 goi1, ni1 go3 gei2 cin2 aa1?Excuse me, how much is this one?
3平啲得唔得吖?peng4 di1 dak1 m4 dak1 aa1? Can you make it a little cheaper?
6买嘢maai5 je5shopping
7呢件衫有啲大ni1 gin6 saam1 jau5 di1 daai6This clothes is a little bit big.
8有冇细码吖?jau5 mou5 sai3 maa5 aa1?Do you have this in a smaller size?
9有冇大码吖?jau5 mou5 daai6 maa5 aa1?Do you have this in a bigger size?
10可唔可以碌卡吖?ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 luk1 kaat1 aa1?Could I pay by credit card?
11我可唔可以试下吖?ngo5 ho2 m4 ho2 ji5 si3 haa6 aa1?Could I try it on?
12可以打个折吖?ho2 ji5 daa2 go3 zit3 aa1?Could you give me a discount?
13我要呢件喇ngo5 jiu3 ni1 gin6 laa3I will take this one.
14唔要胶袋m4 jiu3 gaau1 doi2No plastic bag
15请问有咩帮到你?cing2 man6 jau5 me1 bong1 dou2 nei5?Excuse me, can I help you?
16睇下先tai2 haa5 sin1I’m browsing.
17一蚊jat1 man1one yuan
18廿蚊jaa6 man120 yuan
19一百蚊jat1 baak3 man1100 yuan

Time, Days and Dates

1而家ji4 gaa1now
2而家九点。ji4 gaa1 gau2 dim2.It’s 9:00 now.
3朝早ziu1 zou2morning
4晏昼aan3 zau3afternoon
5夜晚je6 maan5evening
6一点jat1 dim21 o’clock
7两点loeng5 dim22 o’clock
8三点三saam1 dim2 saam13:15
9四点半sei3 dim2 bun34:30
10而家几点吖?ji4 gaa1 gei2 dim2 aa1?What time is it now?
11一日jat1 jat6a day
12星期/礼拜sing1 kei4/ lai5 baai3week
13星期一/礼拜一sing1 kei4 jat1/ lai5 baai3 jat1Monday
14星期三/礼拜三sing1 kei4 saam1/ lai5 baai3 saam1Wednesday
15星期六/礼拜六sing1 kei4 luk6/ lai5 baai3 luk6Saturday
16星期日/礼拜日sing1 kei4 jat6/ lai5 baai3 jat6Sunday
17今日係星期一gam1 jat6 hai6 sing1 kei4 jat1Today is Monday
18我礼拜日出街ngo5 lai5 baai3 jat6 ceot1 gaai1I will go out on weekend.
19一月jat1 jyut6January
20四月sei3 jyut6April
21十二月二十五号sap6 ji6 jyut6 ji6 sap6 ng5 hou6Dec.25th 
22今年gam1 nin4this year
23旧年gau6 nin2last year
24出年ceot1 nin2next year
25今日几号吖?gam1 jat6 gei2 hou6 aa1?What date is it today?
26寻日 cam4 jat6yesterday
27听日ting1 jat6tomorrow
28你听日得唔得闲吖?nei5 ting1 jat6 dak1 m4 dak1 haan4 aa1?Are you free tomorrow?


1开心hoi1 sam1happy
2我今日好开心吖ngo5 gam1 jat6 hou2 hoi1 sam1 aa1I am so happy today.
4咪嬲喇mai5 nau1 laa3Don’t be mad
7伤心soeng1 sam1sad
8点解你唔开心吖?dim2 gaai2 nei5 m4 hoi1 sam1 aa1Why you are unhappy?
9笑下喇!siu3 haa6 laa1Have a big smile!

To Be Continued